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Individual Psychotherapy | Counseling


"Troubles of socializing in the neighborhood"  | Female, Homemaker, 30s

I sought counseling because I was worried about having relationship my neighbors. Due to my shyness, I couldn't get into the circle of moms and children in my neighborhood. After awhile I found myself could not even get out of the house because of this. In counseling, I learned about anxiety and how to manage my emotions. I had personal space to reflect about myself and why I was the way I was. After receiving counseling, I feel this issue has gradually became smaller. I am now able to relate better with my neighbors. Also, I have learned how to think positively about various things. I feel that my heart, which used to be trapped in some kind of anxiety and fear, has been released and freed now. I am really glad that I received counseling.

We're grateful of these affirming voices of our clients! 


"Human relations at work"    | Male, Employee, 53 Yrs Old. 

Due to various reasons, I have lost trust and confidence in relationship with others. Criticism and humiliation make me fearful of relating with people. I'm glad I came here to rebuild my courage and skills. I was surprised that I actually could talk freely and with confidence. 


"Human relations and mental realization" | Female, Employee, 35 Yrs Old

Before receiving counseling, I was afraid to find out where my fear and anger came from. I was always told that they came from "love" . But ...  It felt very strange! Counseling is internal process. Initially, I thought it was scary to look what is inside of me. But, I'm really glad that through a gentle process, I was able to sort out my heart that I couldn't do it by myself. It's difficult to convey "love" to parents and children, friends, lovers, and neighbors, without knowing yourself first.


"Depression and returning to work"  | Male, Office Worker,  55 Yrs Old 

I am grateful for your warm support and kind coaching. Finally, I am able to return to work. Please continue to support us.


"Childhood trauma"   | Female, Homemaker, 49 Yrs Old 

Being in a quiet and calm space, without distraction, you can just feel "healed" by simply being listened to and understood. I could listen to myself telling my own story. And Dr. Andrew is just patience, accepting and empowering. I'm glad I came to him.


"Marital discord"  | Male, Employee, 33 Yrs Old, Akashi

What I learned in counseling was not only helpful in improving my marriage, but also how to adapt in dealing with other people in general.


"Panic, anxiety" | Female, Housewife, 32 Yrs Old, Himeji

I never had counseling before. This was the first experience. I didn't expect that through counseling my feelings can so stable. But it did! I am very grateful.

Couple | Marriage Counseling


"Communication has improved"    | Couple, 47 Yrs Old, Himeji 

At first, my wife came alone to counseling. But then she invited me. Japanese people tend to avoid counseling, but they are not good at being honest with themselves and each other. However, in this couple counseling, I can talk about myself as I am which I could not talk at home as a couple ...Through this counseling, we can begin to talk better as a couple. For some reason, we are able to talk in a different atmosphere. If you have any problems at home, whether it is with your spouse, or your child, seek counseling! You may find a solution quicker.


"I was able to return home from my separation" |  Couple, 40s, Kakogawa

Thank you for the couple counseling. Thanks to you, II am able to continue my marriage. A few months ago, I was wondering if divorce was the only way option. During separation, we listened to the counselor's objective opinions and followed specific advice, so we were able to recover to this point. I would like to do my best for the future of my family.


"Dissatisfaction with each other ..."   |   Couple, 30s, Akashi

Before coming to couple counseling, I took my husband's frustration for granted. During counseling, I realized that our relationship was not really good. I'm glad we came to counseling because we can have couple moments together. I can say that the relationship is not perfect yet, but I think it is definitely heading in the right direction. I look forward to continue working with you.


"I was close to giving up"     |   Couple, 30s, Takasago 

I couldn't have a decent conversation until I received couple counseling. Every time we see each other's face, we get into quarrel with each other. The best thing about coming here was that our conversations started to be normal. Less frustration. I was able to feel more relaxed emotionally. I started to notice that my husband came home earlier than before. We are better as couple than before.

Family Counseling


"Son of the rebellious period"    |    Couple, 50s, Kakogawa

We have a son who is in the 3rd grade and 1st year of junior high school. When asked, my eldest son would only respond with "nothing". My second son would hit a door or a wall when upset. When he comes back home late, he would not even say "hello". I grew up with sisters, and had no recollection of being rebellious during my puberty. So I didn't know how to deal with this. I became worried every day. I consulted here and learned how to deal with them and how to communicate more effectively as a parent. After a few months, my son started to open up a little. He no longer hit doors or walls like he used to. I am grateful!


"Maybe my child is being bullied? 』 Parents, 30s, Hiroshima

Recently, we looked at our child's appearance and felt strange. We have a daughter who is in the 1st grade of elementary school. She is small and rather quiet. Recently, when she came back from school, she said "I don't want to go to school anymore!", I asked  "What happened?", but she said, "Nothing." We didn't know if we should consult with the school or what to do, so I searched on the web and found Life Design. I usually work, and I couldn't go to place outside the prefecture. I was saved by being able to consult with Life Design online. Every day, I was worried and tired, couldn't think of a solution. I became positive by consulting here.

Cross Culture


"International marriage"  |   Female, Homemaker, 30s, Nara

It's been two years since I returned from abroad. We are a cross-cultural couple. I have a child. but my husband and I did not have a good communication. Quarrel had increased. I consulted here and learned how to deal with the issues. I was finally able to face my husband. Slowly regaining my love again.


Marriage Coaching


"Marriage coaching"    |  Female, 30s, Okayama

I am going to remarry before my 40th birthday. I didn't want to make the same mistakes as in my previous marriage. So I needed a marriage coach. My previous marriage was an explosive, momentum kind of love. But now I want to be a lifelong partner. I discovered Life Design from the web. I needed to face my fear of getting remarried. 

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