Individual Psychotherapy | Counseling

"Troubles of socializing in the neighborhood" | Female, Homemaker, 30s
I sought counseling because I was worried about having relationship my neighbors. Due to my shyness, I couldn't get into the circle of moms and children in my neighborhood. After awhile I found myself could not even get out of the house because of this. In counseling, I learned about anxiety and how to manage my emotions. I had personal space to reflect about myself and why I was the way I was. After receiving counseling, I feel this issue has gradually became smaller. I am now able to relate better with my neighbors. Also, I have learned how to think positively about various things. I feel that my heart, which used to be trapped in some kind of anxiety and fear, has been released and freed now. I am really glad that I received counseling.
We're grateful of these affirming voices of our clients!

"Human relations at work" | Male, Employee, 53 Yrs Old.
Due to various reasons, I have lost trust and confidence in relationship with others. Criticism and humiliation make me fearful of relating with people. I'm glad I came here to rebuild my courage and skills. I was surprised that I actually could talk freely and with confidence.

"Human relations and mental realization" | Female, Employee, 35 Yrs Old
Before receiving counseling, I was afraid to find out where my fear and anger came from. I was always told that they came from "love" . But ... It felt very strange! Counseling is internal process. Initially, I thought it was scary to look what is inside of me. But, I'm really glad that through a gentle process, I was able to sort out my heart that I couldn't do it by myself. It's difficult to convey "love" to parents and children, friends, lovers, and neighbors, without knowing yourself first.

"Depression and returning to work" | Male, Office Worker, 55 Yrs Old
I am grateful for your warm support and kind coaching. Finally, I am able to return to work. Please continue to support us.